#neuland x atec

At #neuland x atec, we empower and encourage students to embrace entrepreneurship as a promising career opportunity for their future. Our annual flagship event is a dynamic platform that fosters connections between regional start-ups, international companies, and investors.

Join us for an inspiring entrepreneurship festival and enjoy the days with networking, free food and an amazing evening event at CHIO Aachen, where we have the afterparty on July 3rd. We will celebrate a nice party at the #neuland festival, with drinks, live music and the opportunity to watch a show jumping competition!

Get your FREE ticket here: https://vivenu.com/event/6549052bbaa60a9898b4a8c6?underShop=65ddf94b8159a3f82ea36e83

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14 Juni 2024


8:00 - 18:00

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Das Liebig


WIN-Lehrstuhl, RWTH Aachen
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Mo.-Fr.: 10-14 Uhr

Pontwall 3
52062 Aachen

Aktuell bieten wir unsere Services und Beratungen vor Ort, telefonisch und per Mail an.

AStA Fahrradwerkstatt

Mo. – Do.: 15 – 19 Uhr
C.A.R.L. – Fahrradkeller

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