What is the Reformed Progress Pride Flag? The Progress Pride Flag was added by Valentino Vecchietti in 2021.
But what do the individual stripes mean?
The yellow angle with the purple circle stands for intersex people: Intersex people are not clearly physically binary. They are often subjected to early non-consensual surgeries without knowing their identity.
The white, pink and light blue stripe stands for trans* people: Trans* people do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. They are often subjected to blatant hatred, but also experience discrimination within the queer community. Trans* is an adjective, by the way.
The brown and black stripe stands for BIPoC: BIPoC trans* women started with the Stonewall Riots in 1969. At that time there were laws that banned people with penises from wearing femme/feminine read clothing. The CSD, which is celebrated every year between June and August, is a reminder of this.