Student and academic elections 2021
From June 28th to July 12th, 2021, the student and academic elections will be held as a mail-only election. In order to allow all students to participate in the election without risk in the current situation, the university and the student parliament have decided not to have face-to-face elections.
If you have any questions about the election, you can contact!
What will be elected?
On the student side, the student parliament and the representation of foreign students are elected. Many Fachschaften also elect their Fachschaftsvertretung or Fachschaftsräte. Parallel to the student elections, the academic elections for the senate and the faculty councils take place for all groups. So there is a lot to vote for!
Who is up for election?
In the election journal you will find an overview of all lists and students who are standing for election for the student bodies.
On the ballot for the Student Parliament are:
1. Allgemeine Fachschaftsliste (AlFa)
2. Grüne Hochschulgruppe (GHG)
3. Liberale Hochschulgruppe Aachen (LHG)
4. Juso-Hochschulgruppe Aachen (Juso-HSG)
5. Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten (RCDS)
6. Sozialistisch-Demokratischer Studierendenverband (Die Linke.SDS)
7. Die LISTE – Hochschulgruppe der PARTEI (Die LISTE)
8. Volt Hochschulgruppe Aachen (Volt )
9. Campus For Future (CFF)
10. Volt Hochspannungsgruppe (ACDC)
How can I vote?
You can vote as soon as you have received the voting documents by mail. You do not have to apply for the election documents, they will be sent to you automatically if you are eligible to vote. You can cast your votes for the various committees on the ballot papers. You do not have to provide an address, but can simply drop the letter in the nearest mailbox or the RWTH Fristenbriefkasten (deadline mailbox). The ballots must be returned to the university by July 12th.
Election newspaper
You can read all important information about the student elections in the election newspaper! The election newspaper is available in English and German!
Where can I find more information?
You can find more information about the student elections on the website of the election committee. You can find all information about the academic elections on the website of the RWTH’s election office.