Reallabor: Templergraben
Templergraben becomes (temporarily) car-free! On June 18, the Reallabor started for 4 months and was extended at the end of September until further notice. – During this time we want to use the car-free Templergraben for different projects together with other student and urban initiatives.
How do I get through Aachen by car now? The car-free Templergraben is part of the “closing the loop” of the Grabenring. With this concept, all destinations in the city center remain accessible by car, but through traffic is shifted to the main roads. In this way, the Alleen-Ring in particular is to be used by motorists.
Will the car-free Templergraben be used fpr something? Together with Uni.Urban.Mobil., the city of Aachen and many other student & urban initiatives we want to liven up the car-free Templergraben with cultural events and projects during this time. You can find some of these actions on this page.
Additional Info on the traffic routing and the background can be found at aachen.de/templergraben and on he webüage of the initiative Uni.Urban.Mobil. who initiated the project togehther with VCD and ADFC with a citizens request.

Events & Projects on the car-free Templergraben
BierTemp – The student beer garden – Every Friday – from 6 pm – if the weather is good
We are launching BierTemp, a student beer garden on Templergraben on July 9th. With a changing assortment we offer you beer, cider and soft drinks at student prices. All proceeds go back into culture and actions on and around the Templergraben. More Infos.
Moving the walking tree alley – since June 19th
The Wanderbaumallee consists of several tree modules that can temporarily enhance the quality of life in public spaces. From June 19, the Wanderbaumallee will transform the Templergraben into a meeting place for people. More Infos.
Here’s how it works: Realize your own event or project!
You belong to a student or municipal initiative and would like to realize your own event/project on the Templergraben? Then you will find the most important information here to get your project rolling.
What are the first steps to your own event on the Templergraben?
As soon as you have a cool idea, you should write it down and think about what you want to do with whom at what time. You can see from the map below which areas have been released and who owns them (RWTH in red or street or sidewalk).
What is actually feasible?
On the Templergraben many things can be implemented – but not everything. You should first note that the road will continue to be used: Public transport and bicycle traffic should be able to cross the street unhindered. Closing off areas with construction fences or larger stages are therefore not planned on Templergraben: This would not be in the spirit of the Reallabor. So ask yourself the following questions:
– Does my idea fit with the Templar Trench and the Reallabor?
– Is the event on-site and feasible in terms of hygiene measures?
– Do I / my initiative have the capacity to carry out the event.
In addition, there are generally applicable requirements such as noise protection and night-time rest as well as, where applicable, teaching and examination operations, particularly during the examination period.
What permits do I need?
Approval from the health department (due to pandemic!)
City ownes areas
General approval of the public order office
RWTH owned areas
Room allocation request to the RWTH Room Allocation Office (at least 14 days in advance).
Approval of the Kriesenstab of the RWTH Aachen (due to the pandemic)
Material (tables, chairs, beer benches, pavilions)
The student councils and the AStA can be requested for various materials for rental. Please ask as early as possible.
Electricity and water can be requested through the Electricity Department or AStA, likely starting in July.
Who do I need to contact if I have questions?
The AStA Department for Culture is a contact point for questions concerning the Templergraben. Important: Events cannot be planned completely by the AStA, but we are happy to help with questions and assistance. If you have any problems or questions, ask early and try to do or find out as much as possible yourself in advance.
Who can help me with the promotion?
Once you have started your event or project, you should promote it! Usually a cool picture or poster with a suitable text for your own social media account is enough. We can also share your event via the AStA channels. Please contact us by mail or enter your event in our form: asta.ac/woche
If you need help or have questions about applying, you can contact our Department for Public Relations and Civic Education: oeffentlichkeit@asta.rwth-aachen.de
If you still have questions or need support with the implementation of your project, you can always contact our Department for Culture: kultur@asta.rwth-aachen.de
The project “Reallabor: Templergraben” is supported on the part of the AStA by the Department for Culture and the Department for substainability & stud. engagement.For questions, comments and ideas you can contact kultur@asta.rwth-aachen.de