Bundestagswahl 2021

Podcast with the direct candidates from the constituency Aachen 1

The 2021 Bundestag election is about to happen! With your first and second vote, you can help determine the composition of the next Bundestag. Together with the AStA of the FH Aachen we have recorded a podcast with the direct candidates from the constituency Aachen 1. The content is about topics like climate, BAföG, housing and Covid 19. We also wanted to know from the candidates how they want to represent Aachen in the Bundestag.

You can find all episodes at Anchor.fm, Spotify and many more podcatchers!

Alle Folgen findet ihr bei Anchor.fm!

Rudolf Henke (CDU)

Rudolf Henke is running for the CDU as a direct candidate for the Aachen I constituency. As a current elected representative from Aachen, he has been sitting in the German Bundestag since 2009. In an interview with him, we talk about his motivation for running for office and his political goals, which he would like to implement in the Bundestag. Listen in now!

Ye-One Rhie (SPD)

Ye-One Rhie is running for the SPD as a direct candidate for the Aachen I constituency. She works in the NRW Ministry of Science and has been working in the field of science communication at the Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials in Aachen since June 2020. In our conversation with her, we talk about her motivation for her candidacy and her political goals that she would like to implement in the Bundestag.
Listen in now!

Katharina Willkomm (FDP)

Katharina Willkomm tritt für die FDP als Direktkandidatin für den Wahlkreis Aachen I an. Die gelernte Rechtsanwältin sitzt seit 2017 im Bundestag. Im Gespräch mit ihr sprechen wir über ihre Motivation für ihre Kandidatur und ihre politischen Ziele, die sie im Bundestag umsetzen möchte. Jetzt reinhören!

Andrej Hunko (Die Linke)

Andrej Hunko is a direct candidate for DIE LINKE in the Aachen I constituency. He has been in the German Bundestag since 2009. In an interview with him, we talk about his motivation for his candidacy and his political goals, which he would like to implement in the Bundestag. Listen in now!

Oliver Krischer (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen)

Oliver Krischer is running for Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen as a direct candidate for the Aachen I constituency. He is currently a member of the Bundestag and deputy chairman of the parliamentary group. In an interview with him, we talk about his motivation for running for office and his political goals, which he would like to implement in the Bundestag. Listen in now!

Dr. Elke Zobel (Die Partei)

Dr. Elke Zobel is running for the party as a direct candidate for the Aachen I constituency. In an interview with her, we talk about her motivation for her candidacy and her political goals, which she would like to implement in the Bundestag. Listen in now!

Adonis Böving (Parteilos)

Adonis Böving is running as a direct candidate for the Aachen I constituency. He is running as a non-party candidate. For technical reasons, the interview with him via video chat could not be conducted.


Niklas Teßman (Parteilos)

Niklas Teßmann is running as a direct candidate for the Aachen I constituency. He is running as a non-party candidate and is himself studying at RWTH. In our interview with him, we talk about his motivation for running and his political goals, which he would like to implement in the Bundestag. Listen in now!

The political education departments of the FH and the RWTH are responsible for the projects on the Bundestag elections.
Questions, suggestions and comments can be sent to us at any time politik@asta.rwth-aachen.de.