Become a tutor now!

We are again looking for tutors for the upcoming freshman season in the winter semester 21/22. Your help is needed to ensure that all new students have a wonderful first week at our university. This year’s Erstiwoche will take place from October 4 to 8. On this page you will find the possibilities to register with your student council.

Fachschaft 1/1

Mathematics, physics, computer science

The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 1/2


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 1/3


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 2


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 3

Construction Engineering

The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 4

Mechanical Engineering

The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 5/1

Mining, energy and recycling

Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 5/2

Materials science and materials engineering

The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 5/3

Geosciences and resource management

Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 5/4

Geography and economic geography

The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 6

Electrical engineering

Contact the via mai through

Fachschaft 7/1


The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 7/2


The registration
can be found here.

Fachschaft 7/3

Communication science and psychology

Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 8


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 10/1


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 10/2


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Fachschaft 10/3


Contact your
Fachschaft directly.

Why should I become a tutor?

As a tutor, you will introduce new students to RWTH Aachen University and the city of Aachen. Through you, first-year students make new friends, which is important for the start of their studies. During the Erstiwoche you will also meet many new people and have a lot of fun.

As a tutor, how much time do I have to put into the first week?

The effort to be a tutor is limited. You will be present with your group at the official program events – but you will have a lot of free time with your first-year students. Just ask your student council(Fachschaft) if you want to know more about the workload during the first week.

Will I be coached as a tutor?

Before the first week, you will be trained by your student council so that you are prepared to meet your first group. During the training, the rules of the week will be explained to you, tips on how to deal with the group will be given to you and the basic course of the week will be explained to you. You will also sign a contract with RWTH confirming that you know the rules.

Will I be paid as a tutor?

That depends on your student council. Some student councils pay tutors a small allowance for their work during the first week.

Bei weiteren Fragen kannst du dich jederzeit an das zentrale ESA-Team wenden:
Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf der Erstiwoche erhälst du bei den Fachschaften.