Scientific Work Day

On Wednesday, February 23, the „Scientific Work Day“ at RWTH will take place again, starting at 11 am. Given the current situation, the event will be held online via Zoom. Students of all disciplines are invited.

The professionals of the Writing Center and the University Library will offer numerous impulse lectures about scientific writing until 1:30 pm and will be available for all questions.

In between, there will also be break time to loosen up.

From 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., you can attend free individual writing consultations (German/English).

No matter whether you are still in preparation or already in the final spurt – at the Day of Scientific Work you will push your project or final thesis.

exact schedule:

– 11 a.m. Welcome and introductio
– 11.15 a.m. Workshops
– 11.45 a.m. University sports
– approx. 12.05 p.m. Workshop 1 p.m. fade out
– from 2.30 p.m. until 5 p.m. indiviual appointments for writing consultation

Workshop titles:
Writing Center / German
Cornelia Czapla: Structure of scientific work (German) – How can I structure my scientific work in a meaningful way?
Christine Hendriks: Formulating scientific texts (German) – How do I find the right words and the right tone?
Christoph Leuchter: Zitations (German) – How do I correctly refer to my sources?
Lukas Schmitz: Writing Process (German) – Which writing strategies can I use?
Christian Segerer: Revision of scientific texts (German) – How do I turn my rough draft into a finished text?
Joel Teichmann: Punctuation (German) – How do I set the right commas?

Writing Center / International
Katarzyna Galik: Common mistakes in German (German for non-native speakers) – What should I look out for?

Writing Center / English
Carole Veldman-Genz: Dynamic writing (English) – How to write from the reader’s perspective?
Fabian Rempfer – Common mistakes (English) – How to correct common mistakes in English texts?

Fit in IT-Team
Henning Blume – MSWord – How to avoid problems

University library
Sandra Scholtes: Literature search – what is possible from home (German) – How to use the services of the Unibib from home? (Catalog, electronic media, databases)

Gabriele Pinnen: Schnupperkurs Literaturemanagement (German) – Speeddating with Citavi, EndNote and Co.

How does the Unibib support you in using literature management programs?

The event is finished.


23 Feb 2022


11:00 - 17:00




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