Abortion in Germany: 150 years of §218 StGB (German Penal Code)
When we think of abortions, images of protests such as those in Poland may come to mind. Here in Germany, abortion is allowed, isn’t it?
The termination of a pregnancy is punishable in Germany, this is regulated by §218 StGB. This paragraph has a long history and ultimately criminalizes the decision of unintentionally pregnant women and couples. In addition, the ban on advertising means that doctors are not allowed to provide sufficient information about the medical methods of abortion.
In her lecture followed by a discussion, Laura Distelrath, a social worker from the profamilia Aachen counseling center, will explain the historical changes, the current regulations and the medical procedure.
When? Wednesday, 13.4.2022, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Where? Digital via Zoom