A dialogue offer from students for students
Do you need someone to just listen to you? Do you want to sort out your thoughts? Do you need new ideas because you’ve got stuck?
We are 15 students who are here to listen to you, work with you to find ideas that will help you and give you tips on where you can get further help. We are fully trained in counselling and have taken part in professional workshops on important life topics for students (e.g. exam anxiety, sexuality, grief, addiction, …). Diversity and openness to all people are a matter of course for us.

Below you will find the current dates on which we are available to you. We can meet in the Asta counselling room (Pontwall 3), on a walk or via Zoom. For a conversation, you can assign yourself to a person below or find the right time slot with the right format for you. Depending on the person, the conversation can also be held in a foreign language.
All information and discussions are treated as strictly confidential and everything is subject to secrecy.
Do you have questions about the offer? Please contact us at