Representative for student assistants (BSHK)

Our responsibilities include:

  • supervision as well as compliance with applicable law in the selection and employment of student assistants,
  • to work towards appropriate working conditions,
  • the treatment of complaints from affected persons,
  • the provision of information materials.

In addition to general advice, you will also receive help with all problems or questions related to your work as a student employee. One of the long-term goals is to work towards an own staff council for the student employees.

Consulting services

The consulting service is aimed at students who are employed as student or research workers at RWTH Aachen University. Help can be provided via mail, telephony or internet conference.


For many students, working as a student employee is the best way to combine studying and working. It offers the opportunity to gain initial work experience while still studying and to earn money on the side. This work is an employment relationship like any other and the following applies: It needs a representation that takes up and represents the interests of the student employees.

Most German universities do not yet have their own staff council for student employees. The Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, the Hochschulzugangsgesetz and the Vertrag über gute Beschäftigungsbedingungen für das Hochschulpersonal apply, which RWTH is obliged to fulfill.


Who can be employed as a student assistant (SHK)?

Students who are enrolled at a university or state-recognized university and do not yet have a relevant university degree that is required for the assistantship.

Who can be employed as a research assistant (WHK or WHB)?

WHB: Students with a Bachelor’s degree who are enrolled in a consecutive degree program.

WHK: Persons with a relevant Master’s degree who primarily provide scientific services.

Working hours and tasks

How many hours per week am I allowed to work as an assistant?

Maximum 19 hours per week. A minimum of 3 hours per week is prescribed.

What are the typical tasks of a student assistant (SHK)?

Support in teaching and research, e.g. supervision of courses, compilation of teaching materials or administrative activities.

Can I work from home?

In principle, up to 60% of working time may be spent on “mobile working” if this is approved by the manager. Working from abroad is generally not permitted.


How much do I earn as an assistant?

  • SHK: From 01.01.2024: € 13.00/hour
  • WHB: From 01.04.2024: €15.20/hour
  • WHK: From 01.04.2024: 19.70 €/hour

The RWTH has a salary calculator for HiWis.

Are bonuses or special payments granted?

No, additional payments such as bonuses or special payments are excluded.

Vacation and illness

Am I entitled to vacation?

Yes, the leave entitlement is based on the Federal Leave Act.

However, the general rule is that at least one twelfth of the annual leave of 20 working days must be taken for each vacation in which you are employed. (In the case of 10 hours of employment per week, 40 hours do not have to be worked)


You can find more details in the RWTH Aachen University vacation handbook or on the RWTH’s HiWi comfort calculator.

What happens if I fall ill?

In the event of illness, the Continued Remuneration Act applies. You must report your incapacity to work promptly and provide medical evidence.

Contractual provisions

When does my contract end automatically?

The contract ends when the term agreed in the employment contract expires or you lose your student status (e.g. by completing your studies).

Can I terminate my contract early?

Yes, you can terminate the contract subject to the statutory notice period (usually 4 weeks).

Taxes and social security

Am I liable for tax?

Income from your HiWi job is taxable if it exceeds the annual basic tax-free allowance (2023: approx. €10,908). Your tax class is determined at the start of the contract.

Do I have to pay pension insurance contributions?

Yes, as a rule you are liable for pension insurance. If you have a mini-job (up to €520 per month), you can be exempt. However, if you want to stay in Germany after your studies and receive a pension at some point, it makes more sense for you not to be exempt from paying contributions.

Special cases

Can I continue to work during a semester of leave?

As a rule, this is permitted as long as you are still enrolled as a student. However, discuss this with your employer.

What happens if I spend a semester abroad?

Mobile working from abroad is generally not permitted. Clarify in advance with your employer whether a special arrangement is possible.