Broadcast contribution (Rundfunkbeitrag)
The broadcasting contribution is a fee which, in principle, each household must first pay. In this context, a room in a dormitory is also considered a separate household, even if the kitchen is shared. In a shared flat, however, only one contribution has to be paid. As soon as you register with the city of Aachen, you will also receive mail from the “ARD ZDF Deutschlandfunk Beitragsservice” with the request to “register”. If you don’t do so, you will be registered.
You can find a form for exemption here.
You’re in a flat share?
All of you will get mail. One of you will sign up and pay, and all others will point out that they are under the paying person’s contribution number. If you are moving into a flat share, you should de-register the old flat and indicate that you are moving to another contributor. In the flat share, you can then combine the amount for the contribution.
You get BAföG?
If you receive BAföG, you are exempt for the duration of your sponsorship. Just send a copy of your positive decision to them. The BAföG-Office can also issue a letter to you, which you can use to be exempted. However, if you live in a flat share and only one resident does not receive BAföG, the full amount must be paid.
If you have further questions, please contact: