Finance your studies
If you have any questions, you can also reach us by Mail at any time.
Consulation hours:
Monady -Fridays | Upon Request | Zekiye Kazan |
Your first step should be to check if you are entitled to receiving BAföG. Should this be the case, financing your studies is secured for the time being. If you are not entitled to BAföG, your next place to go is your relatives, as your parents are obligated to pay you alimony.
Even if you are sure that you are not entitled to receiving BAföG, you should still apply for it, as you will need the rejection letter to apply for housing benefits provided by the city of Aachen.
Housing benefits
Housing benefits are a financial support granted by the city of Aachen. For single students who have rented an apartment at their place of study and must pay for it themselves. As already mentioned above, it is very important that the student must not be entitled to BAföG in order to receive housing benefits. However, housing benefits are not granted to students who are excluded from BAföG due to their parents earning too high of an income to be eligible.
Working as a student
Of you would rather manage your studies without taking a student loan and both above options are out of the question for you, you can always look for a job to do on the side. More information can be found here.
It can also be worth it to apply for scholarships. There are various scholarships from party-related foundations or social associations that support a variety of students. Usually, you need to achieve high to very high grades in school or university to be supported, but there are also scholarships for student who are very committed socially. The best place for you to apply is at mystipendium where you can find out which support programs are most suitable for you and find out more about the various foundations granting these scholarships.
Student loan
If all of these options are out of the question for you or do not offer any prospects, you also have the option of considering a student loan to finance your studies. You can find more information here: (DAKA).
Reimbursement of the Mobility Contribution
In addition to the regular costs of studying like rent, food, office supplies, you must pay a fee every semester. If you want to would like to take off a semester, have a chronic illness or handicap, have social disadvantages that make it difficult to pay the semester fee, or cannot use the ticked included in the fee, you can apply for a refund of the ticket portion.
Applications due to financial hardship will be reviewed by the Social Affairs Committee, a committee composed of members of the student parliament on a first come, first serve basis. As stated in the Social Regulations of the Student Body, your monthly income may not exceed 80% of the BAföG maximum rate in order to be approved. Please also be advised that it is very important that you hand in your application before the deadline. (April 28th in the summer and October 28th in the winter)
More information as well as counselling can be found here, in the brief below and with the AStA’s Social Department.