Reimbursement of the semester contribution in case of social hardship


If you are in a financial emergency and cannot pay the semester fee, you have the option of applying for a refund due to social hardship. Applications are processed by the Social Committee of the Student Parliament. In the application, you must enclose proof of your financial situation, in particular your income. There is no entitlement to approval of the application. If approved, the entire semester fee will be paid from the student body’s hardship fund. Your semester ticket therefore remains valid and can be used in full! You can find more information about the semester ticket here.

If you submit the application up to two weeks before the end of the re-registration period and have not already re-registered for the next semester, the re-registration can be accepted in the event of approval without you having to pay the semester fee first. If you have already re-registered or are newly enrolled, the fee already paid will be refunded in the event of approval.

For more information on how to apply, click on one of the two tabs below:

Takeover of the Re-Registration

If your application is approved, the student body will re-register you at RWTH. You do not have to pay the semester fee yourself.

The application must be received by us no later than two weeks before the end of the re-registration period (winter semester: 15.02. and summer semester: 15.08., 23:59 in each case) so that the re-registration can still be carried out within the re-registration period! If the deadline has already passed, you will have to pay the fee yourself and can only apply for a refund in case of social hardship. If you have not been informed of your successful re-registration by the AStA five working days before the end of the re-registration deadline, please re-register yourself. You will then receive a refund.

Example: Reimbursement of the semester fee in the summer semester: Submit application by 15.02. at 23:59 at the latest

📄Proof documents:

  • RWTH certificate of enrollment for the current semester

and the following documents:

  • Written, informal justification of the financial emergency,
  • Bank statements for the last three full months,
  • Proof of insurance from your health insurance company,
  • valid rental agreement

Applications must be submitted here:


→ Online Form

Reimbursement after Re-Registration

If you have not submitted your application by two weeks before the end of the re-registration period (winter semester: by 15.02. and summer semester: by 15.08.), you must first re-register yourself. You may have to pay a late fee if the re-registration deadline has already passed (further information). You can then apply for a refund of the full semester fee.

If you have already paid the fee, the fee already paid will be refunded if your application is approved due to social hardship. This means that you first have to pay the semester fee yourself and then receive a refund later.

The application can be submitted any time during the semester, but no later than the end of the semester  for which the reimbursement of the fee is requested (winter semester: 31.03. and summer semester: 30.09., each at 11:59 pm).

Example: apply for a refund for the summer semester after 15.02.: submit the application by 30.09. at 23:59 at the latest

📄Proof documents:

RWTH certificate of enrollment for the semester for which the refund is requested

as well as the following documents:

  • Written, informal justification of the financial hardship,
  • Bank statements for the last full three months,
  • proof of your health insurance,
  • valid rental contract

Applications must be submitted here:

→ Online Form


Applications are processed in accordance with the social regulations of the student body of RWTH Aachen University (only available in german). If you have any questions, please contact