
Liam Gagelmann
I am Liam, the new chairman of our AStA. In this role, I represent you at RWTH and beyond in all matters that concern you because you are students. Some of you may remember me as the cultural officer in the AStA. Even then, I had the feeling that I have since seen confirmed: we have the great privilege of being part of a strong and committed student body at RWTH. I am grateful to be able to hold this office for you and look forward to my new tasks.
If you have any concerns, ideas or suggestions, please get in touch at or drop by the AStA in person. I look forward to your input : )
Specialist staff
- Joshua Derbitz (Für den Haushalt)
Project managers
- Hawraa Aldookhi (Sensibilisierungs- und Aufklärungsarbeit)
- David Hall (Recht und Ordnung)
- Moritz Henkes (Massenmails)
- Simon Roß – (Semesterticket)
- Johanna Friedrich (Awareness)
- Ira Lenau (Stabstelle Awareness)
- Christian Mimberg (Fachschaftenhaus)
- Valentin Voigtland (organisatorische Aufgaben)
- Paula Wilke (Awareness)
- Julius Vieth (Mobilität)
- Peter Wodrich (Mobilität)
- Eric Feldhaus (Fahrradwerkstatt)
- Piotr Filipiak (Fahrradwerkstatt)
- Julian Henseler (Fahrradwerkstatt)
- Leon Wittwer (Fahrradwerkstatt)
Telefon: 0241 80-93792 (Sekretariat)