The exams start next week. We have summarized the most important information about the process for you.

Technical problems
Ask for a contact number for technical problems before the exam.
Note potential risks that could occur during the test (loud noise) beforehand so that it is logged. If in doubt, you can refer to it if there is a conflict.

If the exam is aborted due to technical malfunctions, it will not be scored and can be repeated.

Toilet visits
Are always allowed. A toilet visit, no matter how long, may not be used to accuse for cheating.

Positive test or quarantine
For in-person testing: digital alternative must be offered.
For digital exam: you can choose to attend or opt out.
In both cases the quarantine notice or the positive test proof must be sent to the central examination office and to the person responsible for the module.
Note: Self-tests cannot be accepted, it must be an officially recognized test.

Enough time must be given during the insight. You can find how much on our website.

Corrections must be able to be adequately explained, i.e. the objection must either be accepted or there must be a reason for rejecting it.
Photos of the exam and notes to take home may be taken. We recommend that you inform the supervisor in advance that you are exercising this right.

Examination modalities
If you are unclear about the modalities of the examination, always ask. It does not hurt and it cannot be seen as an attempt to cheat in case of a misunderstanding.
Keep an eye on your mails and the corresponding Moodle rooms.

Writing at home does not work
Ideally, the chair/institute can provide you with a room where you can then write alone. It is best to ask there what options are available.

You can find more detailed information at:
