According to a decision by the RWTH, no exams may take place in attendance until February 21st. The decision was made due to the extension of the lockdown. At the beginning of next week, as soon as the concrete regulations for the implementation of the state are available, it will be decided how to proceed until March 7th. Failed exams that are not offered as remote exams will be moved to the end of the exam period. In some faculties, it has already been announced that distance examinations will be offered across the board. Since the decision is up to the lecturers and not every exam can be digitized, there may be exceptions. We urge all lecturers to use no-present exam formats where possible. If you had to take a cancelled exam because, for example, you are about to graduate, you can apply to your examination board for a hardship.
All information about current regulations and how to write to your examination board can be found at: