Diverse Algorithm Weeks
On the subjectivity of data and challenges in the use of AI.
04/25/22 4 pm
Online via Webex
Participation with registration
+ free of charge
Language: German
Film screening
04/27/22 8:15 pm
at the Filmstudio
Online: 04/26 – 05/01
You find the link to the free online stream here!
Password: COBIASVIEW426
Language: English
Panel discussion
05/05/22 8 pm
Online via Zoom
Participation with registration
+ free of charge
Language: German
The areas of application of artificial intelligence (AI) are broadening. With this come many opportunities, but also difficulties, such as the danger of systematic discrimination due to biased data. To avoid unintended discrimination, it is important to achieve broad awareness as early as possible and to critically engage with future technologies. We as an interdisciplinary team want to bring the topic of challenges in the implementation of artificial intelligence in the Aachen science landscape into the focus of a discussion.
Modern society is at the intersection of two crucial questions: What does it mean when AIs increasingly take over decisions for us? What are the consequences for the people against whom AI is biased?
The film Coded Bias explores the implications of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s startling discovery that facial recognition does not properly recognize dark-skinned faces and women and her journey to advocate for the first legislation in the U.S. to address bias in the algorithms that influence us all.

At 4pm on 04/25/2022 at Kenza Ait Si Abbou Lyadini will shed light on exciting perspectives in her lecture “Machine Discrimination.” Kenza is an award-winning robotics and artificial intelligence expert, author and speaker. She focuses on the intersection between artificial and emotional intelligence. Register here! Access data and all further information will be sent to you by email. The lecture will be held in German.
Film screening
On 04/27/2022 you are invited to watch the film Coded Bias for free at the Filmstudio! The film will start at 20:15 in the Aula 1 in the main building of the RWTH, and it will be shown in original language (English). Admission begins at 19:45.
From 04/26/2022 to 04/28/2022 you will also have the possibility to stream the movie comfortably from home. You’ll find the link for this here. (PW: COBIASVIEW426)
Panel discussion
At 8pm on 05/05/2022, one week after the streaming opportunity, we will offer a diverse panel discussion to go into more detail about the film and discuss open questions. It will be moderated by the Female Network Melaten and the AStA of the University of Applied Sciences. The panel discussion will be held in German, however questions in English are appreciated.
Participate now!
More about the topic
Film screening and discussion ‘The Social Dilemma’
At 7pm on 04/20/2022 the student council 7/3 Communication Sciences and Psychology will host a screening of the film “The Social Dilemma” followed by an open discussion in Aula 1 of the main building of RWTH. The event will be held in English. Corona actions: #wirtragenweitermaske and a test within the last 24h.
Panel on career perspectives in Responsible Technologies
To show all those who want more than just a discussion of ways to professionally contribute to Responsible Technology, the Student Council 7/3 Communication Sciences and Psychology is organizing a panel on “Career Prospects in Responsible Technology” at the end of the event series at 7pm on 05/09/2022. Representatives from various industries are invited. More information will follow on the student council page. The event will be held in English via Zoom.