Effective Fundraising Walk

Most of us want to make a difference. We see suffering, injustice and death, and are moved to do something about them. But working out what that ‘something’ is, let alone actually doing it, can be a difficult and disheartening challenge.

Effective altruism is a response to this challenge. It is a research field which uses high-quality evidence and careful reasoning to work out how to help others as much as possible. It is also a community of people taking these answers seriously, by focusing their efforts on the most promising solutions to the world’s most pressing problems (https://www.effectivealtruism.org).

One of the easiest ways that a person can make a difference is by donating money to organizations that work on some of the most important causes. Monetary donations allow effective organizations to do more good things, and are much more flexible than time donations (like volunteering).

That is why, Effective Altruism Aachen is organizing an Effective Fundraising Walk. Following the logic of a sponsored walk, the idea is to go walking together while also collecting money to donate effectively. As a growing student society, we believe that this is not only a great opportunity for all students already involved within the Effective Altruism community but also for all newcomers who would either like to join the community or get a first impression of what Effective Altruism is about to donate effectively. Thus, everyone interested in Effective Altruism is invited!

When: 16.06. (Thursday, holiday), 11 am – 17 pm (9 am – 18:30 pm including bus transfer)
Where: Simmerath – Einruhr/Gemünd (20 km)

Die Veranstaltung ist beendet.


16 Juni 2022


9:00 - 18:30

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Simmerath - Einruhr/Gemünd


Effective Altruism Aachen
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